Monday, April 11, 2011

First Day on the Job - ProActive Communications

Today was my first day at ProActive Communications in Leesburg. I love it! I was hired for all the right reasons and appreciated for my experience, my personality, and my God-given talents which is refreshing. This is a public relations and advertising company. It should be a lot of fun. When I was laid off from Patrick Henry College, by the President, Graham Walker, it was such a blow. I loved that job so much and it was the best job of my life. I was hurt, mad, and felt marginalized. It was so unfair and the first time I had experienced this kind of treatment. I know it was entirely the president and I never should have even volunteered to help him out by standing in as his assistant for a year while he conducted a search. If I hadn't extended myself, nothing would have happened and I would have continued full-time as Dr. Veith's assistant. He never would have done what Walker did. It hurt - I'll admit that. Leaving when he cut my hours in half was heartbreaking. He said with his mouth - "I can't ask other departments to make cut-backs if I'm not willing to do so, so I'm going to do without an assistant for a year." Well, that was a lie because he just turned around and hired a graduate to fill my position for much less money I'm sure. He also may not recall that because I was the official secretary for the Cabinet meetings, I knew the Board had incentivized layoffs with a promised $5,000 bonus to each department head. Very Christian of them! Dr. Walker has a reputation as a back-stabber and I see that is the case now. Sometimes I despair of Christians. I just had to trust that God had something else for me. It took a year but now I have this job and I feel very positive about it. It's a small office with a lot of young creative talent and I really like and respect the man I'll be working for, the owner/president of the company.

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