Friday, June 18, 2010

For Cate Pilgrim for her wedding

The Wedding Dress

Here it is waiting, color of pearl
Dream day, dream gown, dream of a girl
Glorious wedding day, oh joy of joys
Dream of a girl, dream of a boy

This vision of white expectantly waits
For the hour of debut worn by Cate
When Jeremy sees her his heart will fill
This vision in white, his beautiful girl

Cate will pilgrimage on the arm of her dad
Toward her heart, her love, her future so glad
He waits for her, his eyes and heart full
As she’s coming to him in satin and tulle

Prayers and vows as they clasp hands
Promises of love and gold wedding bands
Flowers and candles and prayers to voice
Witnessed by loved ones and friends that rejoice

It’s over so quickly, but only begins
The life of the missus and that of the man
They started the day as one and alone
Now united as one, the other, their own.
(Written by Cheryl for Cate, June 12, 2010)

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