Saturday, September 22, 2018

Soaring Dreams

I wonder what birds dream about as they soar
Do the warblers know the songbirds by their resonant chords
At night do they stargaze relishing their heavenward view
Do they delight in the morn as they drink in evenings dew

O wild winged creature what did you see as you flew
Were you as in awe looking down as we are looking at you
Does the discordant cacophony of us who are earthbound dismay
Is that why you’re riding the gentle wind, high and away

If only I had your pinions, your lofty home, and sweet call
From earthbound tethers I'd catch the wind and rise above it all
But alas I am earthbound, with no plumage, nest, or graceful flight
So my solace, majestic ones, is to bear witness with jealous delight

C. Banks (01/31/2014)

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