Saturday, July 25, 2015


In my blog and I keep it real and say what I feel.  

I have something to say that may be shocking to you. You cannot trust the legal's horribly broken and innocent people suffer. More and more laws have been passed because let's face it, we [Americans] want to feel safer....we just don't know the cost of our freedom. The government is moving to regulate every aspect of our lives in order to protect us from ourselves. But have you ever stopped to wonder what that security costs? Sometimes it's Your freedom and your liberty.

Imagine a scenario which starts with the ringing of the door bell, you answer and there stands a policeman, maybe many policemen. ‘May I come in?’ She says, seriously, and you allow her to enter with her colleague in tow. That could be the end of your life as you know it. Someone – a relative, an old girlfriend, someone you went out with once, even a stranger – has accused you of committing one of the most horrendous of crimes - rape-and says that it happened months or maybe years ago.

But what if you aren't guilty? What if you are actually the victim here and someone has made a false allegation against you? I’ll tell you what you will do – you will PANIC! The way the law deals with rape cases means the scales of justice have been tipped against you. Unless you can prove your innocence, chances are you will be convicted. The Prosecution doesn't even have to try.

More men than you probably know (unless it touches you in some way) in America [also happens in other countries] are the victims of a horribly broken "justice" system that more often than it should abets and facilitates a "guilty until proven innocent" reality, including for men accused of rape. Don’t get me wrong, there are certainly horrible and violent crimes that happen against women and they should be prosecuted. I’m talking about women with their own twisted agendas who hijack that system, and the real victims in these cases are the innocent men they make fake rape allegations against who are criminalized and imprisoned, devastating their lives and their family. Think it's rare? Research it and find out how all too often it happens. Wake up men!! You are extremely vulnerable and defenseless in the present legal system and with the way penal code is written. DNA evidence - in fact, evidence of any kind? They don't need it! The only "evidence" required are the girl's words...even if her story changes every time she tells it. Nothing else is required! Shocking but all too true. If men really GOT this, then there would be a huge movement to change the laws and checks and balances in the system to avoid abuses.

Do you think the criminal justice system will protect you or your loved ones from heinous and slanderous lies, and if you just tell the truth you will be believed? Think again. Your very words will be twisted and used against you. Nothing that would reveal the true character or motivation of the "alleged victim" is allowed at trial. Her name, face, even voice are protected. Not that of the man. The DAs, prosecutors, and investigators largely want to win for their own self-interest (i.e. wins = bonuses and promotions). The truth to them is irrelevant. "But [you plead] it was consensual! She's lying!" Really? PROVE IT! YEAH, are you starting to understand?! Falsely accused? No one will listen. You are now part of the riptide - the whirlpool - called the "justice system" and you have no control - NONE! Your life's about to change and you are going down buddy!

Girls who will do this to an innocent man are the lowest of the low and they are helped by a system that will believe them over a man - THE LIE OVER THE TRUTH - THE VAGINA TRUMPS THE PENIS. There doesn't have to be one bit of what constitutes REAL evidence. There doesn't even have to be DNA. What an awesome power that gives women! Better not hack them off or disappoint them or they will just say you raped them - even years later. Need attention from your family or friends? Didn't get your unrealistic hook-up expectations met? No worries, just accuse the poor bloke of rape! Problem solved! You're the poor "victim" now. Lot's of attention and everyone will believe you. You don't even have to lie well.

What is rape, anyway? Once upon a time it was when a man had sex with a woman even while she was clearly and unequivocally saying ‘No.’ Today, articles like this argue that a “weak yes” can also be considered a “No”. Feminists are actively working to re-define the definition of consent to make it as subjective and open to manipulation as possible. The days of “No Means No” are long gone, replaced by a new paradigm of “If I Wake Up and Feel Uncomfortable With What Happened, Well I Guess I Must Have Been Feeling No.” (

If a guy and girl go out on a date and have some drinks and the girl gets behind the wheel of the car impaired by alcohol and drives with a guy as a passenger and has an accident killing someone, the police don't arrest the male passenger. That would be stupid right?! The law holds the girl responsible because SHE is driving the car. Are women, by virtue of their gender, suddenly brain dead incompetent adult children too mentally challenged to make responsible decisions about how much they drink and what they do while heavily intoxicated? Do they get a “stupid pass” because they have a vagina? It it fair to have different rules of personal responsibility for men and women? Is that really okay with women who have fought hard for gender equality? Drunk drivers still go to jail, even if they cannot think reasonably about it due to intoxication, and hence they are held responsible, why can't the same apply to sex? If you drink, you're still responsible for your actions, including who you have sex with.

If a man has totally consensual sex with a woman and they have both been drinking and she decides the next morning that she regrets HER decision, or experiences personal remorse, all she has to do is claim rape and presto chango, she is exempted from any responsibility, maintaining the fallacy of her virtuous image. Now she is a "victim".

"The term “rape” should not be used to describe every unfortunate or regrettable sexual encounter personal absolution. We should prevent the word "rape” from becoming meaningless rhetoric. [YALE Daily News:]). In the present "rape culture" and with the way the penal code is written, rape happens whenever a woman says it happens, and if you disagree, you are a misogynist and a rape apologist.

In a "HE SAID / SHE SAID" case, why is the 'She said' taken more into consideration than the 'He said'? Incredible double standards exist and laws need to be changed. Wake up America! The conversation has begun about this disgraceful injustice perpetrated upon innocent men, and the illegitimate hijacking of laws designed to protect real victims. Until then - STOP HAVING SEX OUTSIDE OF MARRIAGE! But, let’s face it – that’s not the current reality in this hook-up culture, so - - - MEN GET CONSENT IN WRITING, SIGNED, WITNESSED AND NOTARIZED. YOUR FREEDOM, YOUR REPUTATION, YOUR CAREER, YOUR FINANCIAL SECURITY, YOUR VERY LIFE COULD DEPEND ON IT - FOREVER, BECAUSE YOU WILL BE A REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER FOREVER. SO BE AFRAID - BE VERY AFRAID.

- Read about the decline of men in our culture (misandry):

- NPR: "No means no but what exactly constitutes yes?":

- "A drunk woman can’t make correct decisions, but apparently, drunk men turn into Einstein when they get drunk.”:

- MSNBC: False Rape Allegation Thwarted by Camera (oops!). But she sounded so believable! Oh - you mean girls lie? I'm shocked.:

- The Duke Lacrosse False Rape Case / Misandry in Education:

- The Brian Banks Story (from California Innocence Project website):

I will not sit quietly at this injustice.

No mother/grandmother of sons would.

No real feminist, should.

No man can afford to.


Man walks out of jail a free man after false rape charges dropped, says justice system failed him.

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