Thursday, October 25, 2012

Weather....or not

Colorado Springs got its first snow today with the temperature hovering around 30, going down to 18 degrees tonight.  I can't even see the mountains right now, but I'm sure they are pretty.  I think we'll get more snow tonight and then warming up a bit next week.  Meanwhile on the right coast, Hurricane Sandy, a late-season perfect storm screamer is heading from Cuba, threatening many eastcoast states, all the way up to NY and Boston.  It's not going to be pretty.  They are likening it to the storm of 1991.  A lot of kids are going to be disappointed on Halloween!

This has been such a wonderful week.  I find myself smiling and even laughing for no ràeason.  Well, there is a reason.  I am extremely hopeful that I'm going to be hired for what would be the perfect job.  An opportunity to use what I know and who I am but go in a different direction.  Recreate!  Fulfill a dream!  Stand by - second interview on Monday. I'm so ready to join a great team and start doing my "thang!"

Addendum:  Not hired yet.  They loved me and actually see me in a yet to be created position which will open up around June or July.  The doctor's practice is growing so fast that he has already outgrown all three of his offices.  I think they are probably going to have a big reorganization, open a new larger office and maybe see me in the role of office manager.  We'll see.  Can't say I wasn't disappointed, but God's got this, so I wait.

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