Monday, October 15, 2012

Friendship Porch - A poem I wrote several years ago about some dear friends

I wrote this for our best friends in Virginia, Joan and Jeff, who lived out in the country in a log home with land and horses, and a barn, and a warm wood stove in the winter. We did everything together and were together almost every weekend doing something. Sitting on their log home's sprawling front porch in the evening with the sound of peepers in the twilight glow, we'd drink pina coladas from plastic goblets shaped like pink flamingos, and laugh the night away. We had so many memories for so many years. Good times. Good memories.


Twilight filters its last yellow glow
Thru unrolled slats on the floorboards below
Golden dog chases the orbiting ball
Nightfall deepens as the marsh bugs call.

Sipping our drinks from the pink legged birds
Soft horse sounds from the field could be heard
Rocking chairs creak and citron smoke wafts
As on friendship porch, the four friends laugh.

Orion shines bright from his inky throne
Old dog and young kitten on the mat are prone
It's good to be here where we've been 'oft before
As laughter and love wrap ‘round us four.

Waves from the step as we leave for the night
Our two favorite folk haloed by light
Our kindred and faithful love burns like a torch
Lighting the way back to the friendship porch.

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