Thursday, September 27, 2007

Parting (for Chad)


My dearest son, my second born
There was a time before thoughts had form
Inside of me you grew, life I helped create
Love and joy mine, I eagerly anticipate
You grew, safe, dependent, next to my heart
But time was complete and we had to part.

You fed at my breast, eyes locked in love
Tiny, trusting, golden-haired gift from above
Quickly you grew, curious, strong,and laughing boy
Always at my side, sharing each new thing, your mother's joy.
Constant companions, each day a new start
But time was complete and we had to part.

Two decades of school, days full of new finds
You grew and developed your body and mind.
Life, invaded youth and perfection
Good times and bad, acceptance and rejection
You grew to a man, still joy of my heart
But time was complete and we had to part.

You charted a course, set out on your own
No longer present, we talked on the phone
Sharing your life, the good and the bad
Sometimes you were happy, sometimes sad.
Living the life that your chose, things fell apart
But that's over now, you have a new start.

Can anything separate a mother's heart from son's?
Is love changed by battles fought or won?
No matter what happens, moms still believe
To their hopes, dreams, and love they always cleave.
I believe in the boy I've held to my heart
God's gift to me, belief and love never will part.

Happy birthday. I love you to eternity.


Written for Chad on 9/27/2007

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