Friday, October 10, 1997

Artificial People by Cheryl Banks

Artificial people, artificial lives 

Designer clothes, designer wives 

Society snobs greedy and empty 

Parties and balls to be seen and to see 

Other empty clones 

With their manicured nails and cellular phones 

Monkey suits and expensive cars 

Martinis and wine in pretentious bars 

Look at me! Can you see my success? 

Just don’t look too closely or you’ll see I’m a mess 

My kids despise me, my wife’s a bore 

My job is killing me; to get up is a chore 

I’d give it all up to be back in that place 

The one I was in before the rat race 

The rat has won but the joke was on me 

I was the rat and too late I see 

The finish was a trap, the riches its bait 

Society sucks out your soul till you hate 

You hate yourself for what you’ve become 

Gone is the purpose, gone is the fun 

Run away from it all; run away till you’re caught 

Run for your life, your soul has been bought.

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