Friday, January 18, 2008

Virginia Nightfall

Virginia Nightfall

Weary from the day I drove west toward a lavender sky.
How can it be so impossibly perfect with neon pink and
orange frilled mountain edges?
Twilight's periwinkle perfection with watercolor moon on high
Draws me toward the western glow and the solace it pledges.

Deeply intimate with evening, azure mountains and sky meet
And hesitate in a fervent hot pink embrace.
Brilliant stars with cut glass clarity illumine Orion's feet
As dusk and dark merge earth and sky and earthly forms erase.

Inhaling the cool, moist evening breath of earth
A welcome respite from the hectic pace
Awareness piqued by this nightfall’s birth
Beatific vision, proof of God’s grace.

By Cheryl Banks

January 18, 2008

Image result for sunset with pink outline of mountain